The energetic body


The universe is comprised of subtle energy (if „subtle“ is even the right word).
It’s in you, me, the text you’re reading, or the sound waves you hear.
This energy is so minuscule that it holds together the fabric binding the parts of atoms.
Let’s drop the „subtle“ for now and just call it „energy“ from here on.

The beauty of this „basic energy“ is that it’s uniform everywhere.
Hence, there’s essentially no such thing as good and evil energy.
At this point in my life “black and white” still exist in my world as well like in yours, but without judgment.

The energy has the power to create anything, to „be“ anything.
You, as a physical being, are made of this energy.
And inside you, there’s an additional energetic body allowing you to interact with this energy.
The energetic body doesn’t need to be complete or fully connected to the physical part of yours to be usable.

Most people can’t see these bodies, but some can feel them.
Particularly in shamanism, much work is done with them—consciously or unconsciously.

I haven’t fully „understood“ the complete function of the energetic body, but that’s the case with the physical body as well.
I’m simply grateful that I can use it.
From experience, it’s helpful to care for and „activate“ this body just like the physical one.
This improves the connection to the non-visible dimensions.
Therefore, like the other aspects of your being, it’s a crucial part of your existence and can aid in shaping your experiences.

Parts of your energetic body may not be flooded with energy.
For a visual representation, imagine the root and branch system of a tree within your body.
The roots and branches are connecting to different parts of your physical body.

Alternatively, if you prefer, envision all the veins in your body multiplying and connecting to each cell. And if you get closer, you’ll see how these „veins“ dock onto the individual components of the atomic particles. Like a connection on a sub-atomic level. Here we are back to the „subtle“ from the beginning…

Sometimes we meet people and instinctively know whether we like them or not, or if there’s a connection.
I believe that, alongside our sensory impressions, our energetic bodies play a role.
Certain parts may attract or repel.

A simple example:
If your right energetic leg is missing, and you encounter someone with a very strong right energetic leg, you might feel drawn to them.
For them, who doesn’t lack the leg, it might feel the opposite.
They might not like the gap in your energetic body. Or wise versa.

Some people can perceive the energetic bodies of others (see or feel them).
This can be helpful when working with energy to assist clients.
It can be less helpful if you can’t turn it off.
The latter happened to me only once during training.
It was impressive to see how trees, animals, and people were flooded with energy.
But at the same time, it was frustrating for my human side to realize what else I couldn’t see and perceive.

Again, it played a crucial role in accepting that humans are born as humans and don’t have much business in other dimensions.
(Nowadays, I feel the energy only when it propels me or my clients forward.
Otherwise, I’m entirely human and enjoy my physical existence).

At some point I understood that I can detach my energetic body from myself.
This made „traveling“ to other places possible.
Eventually, I could even multiply my energetic body.

Today, my energetic bodies assist me in energy work.
When a place needs cleansing, they diligently cover every corner.
During the retrieval of energies in „wrong“ places, the clones create an environment where I can safely „negotiate“ with these energies.
(Depending on how it goes, my higher self might join.
That usually suffices for convincing or alleviating fears.
Pure energetic force is rarely used).

In our energetic retreats participants learn to handle energy.
And so we also engage in energy work.
When multiple people work with energy simultaneously, it attracts other, stronger energies.
Balancing the energy is always crucial, and attracted energies seek equilibrium.
In such cases, my energetic bodies help maintain a safe and free space, allowing participants to work peacefully and have their experience.
The „visitor energies“ stay outside.
At the end everything is in balance again – when we decide so.

Thanks to my work with 1-on-1 clients, I’ve gathered many insights into energetic bodies.
It’s also possible to introduce specific energies, like love, into one’s own energetic body.
The effects that result from this help my clients work with their customers more quickly and easily.
They gain a better understanding of what their customers truly need.

You can see that the energetic body is a powerful tool.
In my opinion, it’s indispensable for efficient energy work and sensing many things.
As long as your mind has sole control over the energetic realm, much is lost.
Once it trusts your whole being, of which your energetic body is a part, you have more spare energy “in your mind”.

The energetic body


The universe is comprised of subtle energy (if „subtle“ is even the right word).
It’s in you, me, the text you’re reading, or the sound waves you hear.
This energy is so minuscule that it holds together the fabric binding the parts of atoms.
Let’s drop the „subtle“ for now and just call it „energy“ from here on.

The beauty of this „basic energy“ is that it’s uniform everywhere.
Hence, there’s essentially no such thing as good and evil energy.
At this point in my life “black and white” still exist in my world as well like in yours, but without judgment.

The energy has the power to create anything, to „be“ anything.
You, as a physical being, are made of this energy.
And inside you, there’s an additional energetic body allowing you to interact with this energy.
The energetic body doesn’t need to be complete or fully connected to the physical part of yours to be usable.

Most people can’t see these bodies, but some can feel them.
Particularly in shamanism, much work is done with them—consciously or unconsciously.

I haven’t fully „understood“ the complete function of the energetic body, but that’s the case with the physical body as well.
I’m simply grateful that I can use it.
From experience, it’s helpful to care for and „activate“ this body just like the physical one.
This improves the connection to the non-visible dimensions.
Therefore, like the other aspects of your being, it’s a crucial part of your existence and can aid in shaping your experiences.

Parts of your energetic body may not be flooded with energy.
For a visual representation, imagine the root and branch system of a tree within your body.
The roots and branches are connecting to different parts of your physical body.

Alternatively, if you prefer, envision all the veins in your body multiplying and connecting to each cell. And if you get closer, you’ll see how these „veins“ dock onto the individual components of the atomic particles. Like a connection on a sub-atomic level. Here we are back to the „subtle“ from the beginning…

Sometimes we meet people and instinctively know whether we like them or not, or if there’s a connection.
I believe that, alongside our sensory impressions, our energetic bodies play a role.
Certain parts may attract or repel.

A simple example:
If your right energetic leg is missing, and you encounter someone with a very strong right energetic leg, you might feel drawn to them.
For them, who doesn’t lack the leg, it might feel the opposite.
They might not like the gap in your energetic body. Or wise versa.

Some people can perceive the energetic bodies of others (see or feel them).
This can be helpful when working with energy to assist clients.
It can be less helpful if you can’t turn it off.
The latter happened to me only once during training.
It was impressive to see how trees, animals, and people were flooded with energy.
But at the same time, it was frustrating for my human side to realize what else I couldn’t see and perceive.

Again, it played a crucial role in accepting that humans are born as humans and don’t have much business in other dimensions.
(Nowadays, I feel the energy only when it propels me or my clients forward.
Otherwise, I’m entirely human and enjoy my physical existence).

At some point I understood that I can detach my energetic body from myself.
This made „traveling“ to other places possible.
Eventually, I could even multiply my energetic body.

Today, my energetic bodies assist me in energy work.
When a place needs cleansing, they diligently cover every corner.
During the retrieval of energies in „wrong“ places, the clones create an environment where I can safely „negotiate“ with these energies.
(Depending on how it goes, my higher self might join.
That usually suffices for convincing or alleviating fears.
Pure energetic force is rarely used).

In our energetic retreats participants learn to handle energy.
And so we also engage in energy work.
When multiple people work with energy simultaneously, it attracts other, stronger energies.
Balancing the energy is always crucial, and attracted energies seek equilibrium.
In such cases, my energetic bodies help maintain a safe and free space, allowing participants to work peacefully and have their experience.
The „visitor energies“ stay outside.
At the end everything is in balance again – when we decide so.

Thanks to my work with 1-on-1 clients, I’ve gathered many insights into energetic bodies.
It’s also possible to introduce specific energies, like love, into one’s own energetic body.
The effects that result from this help my clients work with their customers more quickly and easily.
They gain a better understanding of what their customers truly need.

You can see that the energetic body is a powerful tool.
In my opinion, it’s indispensable for efficient energy work and sensing many things.
As long as your mind has sole control over the energetic realm, much is lost.
Once it trusts your whole being, of which your energetic body is a part, you have more spare energy “in your mind”.